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2016년 9월 16일 출시. Model 1660, 1778. GSM 또는 CDMA / 32, 128 또는 256 GB / 로즈 골드, 금색, 은색, 검정색, 칠흑색으로 제공됩니다.

2266 질문 전체 보기

Important Battery Message still after replacement

i'm getting the IMportant Battery Message "battery's health is significantly degraded" warning. i check the max capacity and it shows 85%. i replaced it with a brand new amp sentrix battery and charged it up. when i went back to the battery page, it still shows the warning and max cap of 85% instead of 100%.

on the chance it wasn't a bad battery, i tried another new one. same thing.

i've power cycled the phone a few times and even run reset all settings.

this is just a 7, why is the max cap status not changing?

and how do i fix this?

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Hi B C,

Ran across this situation on an iPhone X last month. Basically, when you copied the battery data from the old battery, you also accidentally copied the battery health and cycle count information over as well. Obviously you don't want that, so you'll need to hook the battery back up to your V1SE and using the JC Repair Assistant to manually set the correct values on the health (100%) and cycle count (0).

Here's the thread where we went through the whole discussion of which battery needs what. I haven't seen any need to copy battery data on any phone up to and including the iPhone X; the genuine battery warning message started with the XS.

SOLVED: How to reset Maximum Capacity with New Battery - iPhone X - iFixit

Basically, you really didn't need to do any data copying on an iPhone 7 and you can fix the bad numbers you're seeing with the JC Repair Assistant.

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It's not your fault nor the batteries fault!

It will do that No matter what battery you get! If It's not the Original battery, it's gonna happen.

It's Something apple did to try to prevent repair.

ALSO, I recommend iFixit batteries over the one you chose.

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forgot to mention that i used a JC V1SE to program the ID of the new battery to match the ID of the original battery. i'm just now learning about the required BMS board replacement for the SE2020 and higher. i was just surprised to see this on an iphone 7.

i'll try a different brand, but i've never had any problems with amp sentrix.

Apple prefers to have their phones repaired by Apple technicians which does cost a lot. I think Apple technicians have a special device that tells the phone that the battery has been replaced with a brand new one and it's hard to get access to because it's only available to Apple technicians. You may be stuck with this for quite a while To be honest even if you have replaced the battery. If it's detected the report before it may not be able to fix it unless you take it to an Apple technician which is going to be very expensive.


thing is, i've done battery replacements on other iphone 7's and this has not happened before.

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