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Lenovo's Intel-based IdeaPad 5 laptop, released in 2020.

6 질문 전체 보기

tourchpad doesnot work,audio

after changing the operating system to windows 10pro, the mouse pad and audio doesnt work.

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Sounds like you need to install the drivers - check for windows updates, also if there are optional updates, install them all.

Reboot when required, check updates again, including any optional ones.

Alternatively, or if the above didn't work - go to Lenovo support site. (E.g https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/au/en/ for Australia, pick your country from the drop-down)

Download/install Lenovo service bridge to automatically detect serial number and get the right drivers, or put in the serial number, or browse for your drivers and install them manually.

Hope this helps!

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