My headphone port only sending sound to one ear

I have Bluetooth headphones which then connect to a Bluetooth device that’s plugged into the stereo’s headphones port. All of a sudden one ear stopped receiving sound. Did all the normal things like power on and off, disconnect and reconnect. Tired another pair of Bluetooth headset and it also is the same. Not sure what to check next. Any suggestions?

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does it do that with wired headphones?

if you could try that, it would tell if it was the port or the denon not liking the fact that the headphones are bluetooth.

@davidrugless post a picture or a link of this adapter. Let's see what you got going on there. I wonder if it is a compatibility issue between it and the headphone jack 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기 Of course, you did make sure that the balance is properly set on your Denon

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