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모델 A1278, 2012년 6월 출시. Turbo Boost가있는 Intel 프로세서, 최대 512 MB DDR5 비디오 RAM

1626 질문 전체 보기

Can I replace the headphone jack in my mid-2012 MBP?

The headphone jack of my mid-2012 MBP is faulty. Sometimes a red light shines from it and sound will only play from headphones, not from the main speakers.

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Good evening @rbouwens, unfortunately, Apple soldered all ports onto the board with these models. Unless you know how to solder, you need to send this in for a board repair.

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How much would that cost?

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Rita Bouwens 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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