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712 질문 전체 보기

Nintendo Switch taking good charge but not powering on

Hi I have purchased x4 non working switches which all take a good charge but won’t power on. No water damage, all BQ, MT and P13 chips seem to work with no shorts around them. I tried using a known good screen but still won’t turn on. I’ve replace the P13, BQ and MT chips on one of them but still no charge. Any ideas?

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have you checked that they arent in rcm mode

How do I check that?

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Hi! I had this same issue with my Switch. I tested all of those chips and they seemed to work fine, but it still wouldn’t power on. When I tested some of the capacitors on the back of the motherboard, I realized that the CPU on the Switch was shorted. If the CPU is shorted, there is no way to fix it other than replacing the motherboard.

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