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9월 20일 출시한 Apple의 2019년 주력 스마트폰으로 6.1" LCD 터치스크린, 이중 카메라, 그리고 여섯 가지 색상으로 제공합니다. iPhone XR의 후속 제품입니다.

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Over night my iPhone had coloured lines and now just white lines.

My phone this last week has been acting annoying, it clicks on random apps and the touch screen doesn’t work well i either have to press very hard or keep turning on and off my phone. Whenever i typed it clicked random words and letters and would always take me onto random apps and swipe on the screen. I broke my phone about a month or two ago, twice. The first time i dropped it and it went completely black but i could still hear calls and music etc. The second time a couple days later I dropped it very lightly again and it just went completely black .I could hear but couldn’t use the screen, basically the same as before. Before these two breaks I dropped my phone all the time and nothing would happen. But ever since the first break a month ish ago whenever I even slightly drop it now it breaks. I dropped it about a week ago on my bedroom floor but nothing happened and it didn’t start messing up until a couple days ago. Idk if my phone wasn’t fixed properly or all the pieces are just permanently loose in the phone but. Last night I went to bed and put my phone on the desk next to me playing rain sounds on youtube with the flip cover shut. I woke up to the entire screen covered in rainbow coloured vertical lines and I couldn’t see any of my original screen. I kept pressing on it until eventually now i can access my screen but there’s white and grey vertical lines covering my screen. I don’t know what to do.

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Almost all shops are using notoriously crap parts for the iPhone 11. Not completely their fault, even the best quality aftermarket parts are not that good for the 11 model specifically. I recommend either replacing the screen through Apple/authorized repair center, or buying an Original screen off ebay that was pulled directly from an iPhone and having a tech install that one. In my experience it lasts much longer, and you won’t have the touch issues.

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Ditto on Andre, i have an iPhone 11 and I replaced it with an aftermarket screen and it only lasted about a year before biting the dust (no damage to the phone whatsoever, just stopped working)

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