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Repair information for the 6th generation iPod nano. Released in September of 2010. Model Number: A1366.

175 질문 전체 보기

Waterdamaged, how to make touchscreen work again?

It happened with me also, then i opened it , and cleaned all the parts with alcohol 99,9%, it's turning on but the touchscreen is not working!

Anyone can help?

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Sergio, you're pretty lucky your iPod turns on; going through a wash cycle is a pretty traumatic experience for an electronic device. It sounds like you need to replace the display assembly, which includes both the LCD and the touchscreen:

iPod Nano Gen 6 Display Assembly

Installing iPod Nano 6th Generation Front Panel Assembly

iFixit is out of stock on the display assemblies at the moment. You might try eBay or Google using Apple's part code: 821-1134-A.

Be grateful the damage isn't worse; it usually is...

iPod nano (6th Gen) Display Assembly 이미지


iPod nano (6th Gen) Display Assembly


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