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2018년 9월 21일 출시. Models A1921, A2101, A2102, A2104. GSM 또는 CDMA / eSIM 또는 nano-SIM / 64, 256, 또는 512GB / 은색, 금색 또는 스페이스 그레이. ("iPhone 10 S Max"로 발음합니다.)

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What problem is this? whats is broken or need to be change? Please hel

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This one's a little different from the normal kernel panics we see on iPhones. I'd be tempted to think this could be a software problem except for the line

"i2c0::_checkinterrrupts error interrupt; ...for device ad5860\" @AppleS5L8940XI2C.cpp

Turns out you're not the first person with this problem. Couple of years ago a guy with an iPhone XR had the same panic log and it appears the problem was fixed after a shop replaced the lightning connector assembly.

SOLVED: iPhone Xr randomly bootloop at random moment - iPhone XR - iFixit

Alisha ( @flannelist ) can confirm, but at this point I'd suggest replacing the charging point as the first step in fixing your phone. I'm afraid iFixit doesn't have a charging port guide but there's a Spanish site called Nadie Me Llama Gallina that does.

Manuales / Apple iPhone Xs Max / Flex with load connector and lower microphone

You can, however, pick up the replacement part you'll need right here on iFixit.

iPhone XS Max Lightning Connector Assembly

Good luck; let us know how it turns out.

iPhone XS Max Lightning Connector Assembly 이미지


iPhone XS Max Lightning Connector Assembly


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Yep. I tend to agree here. I remember finding what AD5860 was, but I have since emptied this info out of my brain’s recycle bin by mistake so I’ll have to hunt it down again. But I would say dock flex, or earpiece flex since both of those were called out in the original post. I seem to remember AD5860 being related to Audio, so that would track.

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