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모델 A1278, 2012년 6월 출시. Turbo Boost가있는 Intel 프로세서, 최대 512 MB DDR5 비디오 RAM

1625 질문 전체 보기

System won’t turn on!

I have been scouring the site for an answer! I have found none!

Please can someone help!! It won’t even post mine.

I have the same problem. The light to the cable is green but the Mac refuses to turn on.

I honestly doubt it has been abused the most my husband does is scream at it because he expects lightening quick & does not get it & after three strokes well... He uses it more than I do much to my consternation.

I do not believe it was made for Secondlife, no water has been spilled on it. He has eaten at it, I have brushed the occasional crumb away, but that’s it.

Although it really frosts me! I just don’t know what to do!


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Second Life game is a pretty intense game for this system. It is both a heavy compute and graphics so long game play can cause the system to fail.

At this point I think it’s best you find your way to an independent Mac repair shop so they can check the system out. Or, look at buying a second hand system that is working which has a bit more under the hood than this system if gaming is what you want.

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