주요 콘텐츠로 건너뛰기

2017년 9월 22일 출시. Model A1864, A1897. GSM 또는 CDMA / 64 또는 256 GB / 금색, 은색 및 스페이스 그레이.

684 질문 전체 보기

Help me get over this

I lost the paper containing the iCloud account and the password and I don't remember them, and I don't remember them, and the bill is in my home country. I cannot obtain it now. I have reached two-factor authentication, and the iPhone has been locked. What should I do? help me


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So why did you use find my phone, did you lose it? You'll have to ring apple customer services and after a few security questions to verify your account they will reset your apple id password. Obviously if it's lost or stolen they won't help and the phone is now a paperweight.

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ل No, the phone was sent to me by my friend from Brazil as a gift to Syria, and he had the purchase invoice and the entire box with him, but when I had to leave the house suddenly because of the bombing, I did not bring them with me and lost them, and after that I lost that paper The one that had the iCloud account and password written on it. I keep the password, but I forgot iCloud. I feel very disappointed

@hanialziyanat you can ring apple support. They should be able to help you. Usually a free phone number. Have a Google for the country you are in.

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