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2020년 4월에 발표 및 출시된 2세대 iPhone SE의 수리 및 분해 정보입니다.

243 질문 전체 보기

Can I swap from my old iPhone 6s the microphone board(the chargers bo

my microphone on the iphone se 2020 broke so i have an iphone x and and iphone 6s can i swap the charging board of one of the 2 into my se

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No, they're all different. Just buy a new charging port assembly for your se. Make sure it's genuine as aftermarket ones can cause issues. Cheap enough to buy.

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If the cable is the same and you have a spare iPhone 6s laying around that you don't mind taking apart, and you are willing to try it, I guess you could! If it doesn't work than you may have to get a new mic for it.

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