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2017년 9월 22일 출시. Model A1864, A1897. GSM 또는 CDMA / 64 또는 256 GB / 금색, 은색 및 스페이스 그레이.

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Why my device does not turn on?

ast night I was using my device but I forgot to put it to charge, so when I tried it in the morning it didn't work so I was wondering if here there is anyone else with the same problem who can i help me

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No Power issues can be complex in any device due to the number of factors, but here's a couple things I would do to double check what might be going on.

  1. Try a different charger (a known good one if possible) or verify your charger on another iPhone.
  2. See if charging wirelessly makes a difference. Even if you don't have a wireless charger, they are relatively inexpensive these days. Plus if your phone comes on, then you'll know it's something in the USB chain that's at fault.
  3. Your battery could be the issue. If it was already failing or on the verge of, and it went flat dead, it's possible it just doesn't have enough oomph left to get the phone to boot.

Otherwise this could be lots of things.

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