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2017년 9월 22일 출시. Model A1864, A1897. GSM 또는 CDMA / 64 또는 256 GB / 금색, 은색 및 스페이스 그레이.

681 질문 전체 보기

touch screen not pressing how its suppsed to be!

Hello! so umm a 7 months ago i dropped my phone and it broke the screen protector and the normal screen. then i went out and and replaced my iphone screen , and put a new glass screen protector on it . first week it wasnt pressing fine and i tought maybe the iphone needs to adjust and it did. after my friend kindof dropped the phone 2-3 months ago and it started to have the same glitch and everything but they solved like in 10 mins of using the iphone. now its barely usable!!! the screen isnt that cracked( it has a few cracks) but mainly theres no corners to the screen protector and a few cracks in the center. now my problem is that it doesnt press or when it does , it presses near when i need it to press like when i try to slide to make a photo it slides a lil and it goes awayy.. should i take the screen protector out?? please help me cuz i will be in trouble if i cant resolve this myself. also i did get my iphone storage cleane out and got the newest updatess

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You need another new screen I'm afraid.

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can i try at least get the screen protector off? its a bumer cause i got a new one like 5 months ago. really sad

@sofika yes, just peel the protector off.

im like really worried , cuz if it isnt the screen protector i f up . so i js checked if i can get it and its sooooo easy to get it . i think the guys at repair shop didnt put it properly and the adhesive isnt there ig . can that be tha problem ? cuz at least i dont wanna get scratches after i take the screen protector and the touch screen being broken . please lmk cuz im really worried.

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Iphone Six Sofika 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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