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Trackpad Haptic Motor less powerful after Battery repair.

Hey all - Just replaced the battery in my MBP with the iFixit replacement kit. While nothing else is wrong, I can definitely tell that the haptic motor is less clicky than it was before the repair. Obviously, a battery replacement has a lot of work around the trackpad, so I totally could have done something around there. I'm still calibrating my battery so I can't open it back up yet, but any advice would be appreciated!

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Sounds like there could be damage to the trackpad daughter board or possibly gunk or debris worked its way in around the trackpad and is preventing it from clicking properly. Recommendation would be to inspect the condition of the trackpad and attached board and see if the issue is due to damage or debris. Good luck!

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@danklet - If you jump to Step 74 in the guide MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display Mid 2015 배터리 교체 there is a metal plate which cover the trackpad it’s likely you dented it so the plate is hitting the underside of the trackpad. I had a system come in with this complaint after they had tried to replace the battery without following our guides.

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