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모델 A1181: 1.83, 2, 2.1, 2.13, 2.16, 2.2, 또는 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo 프로세서

1205 질문 전체 보기

How do I fix a lost wi-fi connection & "no wi-fi hardware" warning?

I randomly lose internet connection, and cannot reconnect. I either get a no network detected warning or a warning that I do not have wi-fi hardware. The problem might be related to a recent upgrade to Lion.

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Go under the Apple in the upper left hand corner to "about this Mac" > more info > Network > Airport and see if your card is being seen. If not reseat the card, if it still fails, replace the card. Here's how to do it: MacBook Core 2 Duo AirPort Card Replacement

According to which machine you have, here are the cards: Relevant parts

MacBook Core 2 Duo Santa Rosa/Penryn 802.11n Airport Extreme Card

MacBook Core 2 Duo Santa Rosa/Penryn 802.11n Airport Extreme Card

MacBook Core 2 Duo 802.11n Airport Extreme Card

MacBook Core 2 Duo 802.11n Airport Extreme Card

MacBook Core 2 Duo 802.11n Airport Extreme Card 이미지


MacBook Core 2 Duo 802.11n Airport Extreme Card


MacBook Core 2 Duo Santa Rosa/Penryn 802.11n Airport Extreme Card 이미지


MacBook Core 2 Duo Santa Rosa/Penryn 802.11n Airport Extreme Card


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