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A1418 / EMC 3069 / 2017 / 3.0 GHz quad-core i5, 3.4 GHz quad-core i5 또는 3.6 GHz quad-core i7 프로세서. 2017년 6월 8일 출시.

176 질문 전체 보기

iMac screen shuts off after 10/15mins of working

Hi, I recently changed from hdd to ssd . After 2days my screen keeps going off after 10mins of boot up. I can see my keyboard/mouse working, even music/sound keeps continuing playing/copied files. And after another 10mins the mac shuts off.

I can restart it , but again same thing 15 mins to 30mins and screen goes off .

What might be the problem? How do I identify it?

Did reinstall, reset everything , double checked cables. All four led light (green)working on the board.

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Did you try running the onboard diagnostics? After the system has had a chance to reset, press the D and hold then restart your system to enter into diags.

Reference: Mac startup key combinations

Let us know what the error/s are.

If nothing comes back then you’ll need to look deeper into the systems thermals. Install this great app! TG Pro it will allow you to see the sensors and the fans. With the full version it can capture the even before the system looses the condition.

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Yes checked with D also , showing no errors.

Will try tg pro and update you.

Thank you

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