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A1418 / EMC 3069 / 2017 / 3.0 GHz quad-core i5, 3.4 GHz quad-core i5 또는 3.6 GHz quad-core i7 프로세서. 2017년 6월 8일 출시.

176 질문 전체 보기

Black screen during boot

Hello all, I have an iMac that, under normal conditions doesn't fully boot, pressing the power button I get the chime with the Apple logo, a progress bar starts but before I get to the login screen the display goes black. The only way to get it back is to unplug the iMac and plug it back in, but in the end the exact same thing happens.

The big catch here is that it boots and seems to work perfectly fine in Safe mode.

This is fresh install of macOS, so my question, would anyone know if a bad or failing hard drive would cause this sort of issue??


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Your system has two graphic services! When you boot up under Safe mode and the screen is working tells us the second GPU has failed! That’s the Radeon Pro 560 GPU. Sadly this will need a new logic board or someone with the deeper skills to replace the GPU chip (brain surgery!)

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Thanks Dan. Is there a way to definitively find out if it's the GPU?

I have the Radeon Pro 555 (2gb).

@dmak13718 - If the display is working in Safe Mode or under diagnostics we can deduce the display is not the problem. That only leaves the Intel Graphics services or the Radeon dedicated GPU (555 or 560]. And it’s clear the Intel graphics is working here.

Alright, thanks for your help Dan.

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