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2017년 11월 4일 출시. A1865, A1901. GSM 또는 CDMA / 64 또는 256 GB / 은색 또는 스페이스 그레이. ("iPhone 10"으로 발음합니다.)

1211 질문 전체 보기

Why is my iPhone X got mic1 panic even if all the mic are working

I just plug in the Type-C to lightning charger and it starts to panic every 3 mins, i checked the panic log and it show missing sensor: mic1 then i tested all the mic on the iPhone, all of them works perfectly fine but the iPhone still panic every 3 mins

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It means that the dock/charger flex is either broken or not connected properly. in my experience it is "broken" and simply replacing it is enough.

here is the iFixit guide.

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It only panic when charging

@gtkwe Which it needs the Dock to do, so try and replace it.

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