Serious problem changing SSD

Everything went well on disassembly - reassembled the Steam Deck, I then downloaded the OS from Steam then installed it on a usb key via Rufus, so far so good, except when starting the Steam Deck in BIOS Mode the console makes the noise of the chime but the screen remains gray and fixed in addition the fan blows quite strongly, I have no way to access the bios, and strangely my old SSD works well when I use it uses it returns to the Steam Deck. Is there another option to enter the BIOS, and has anyone had the same problem as me?

To put it simply, when I put the new Ifixit SSD in the steam deck, it no longer displays the BIOS so it is impossible for me to reinstall the Steam OS on the console.

The SSD installed on the steam deck: Micron 2400 NVMe PCIe Gen4 2230 SSD

(PS: Sorry for my language im french and i use google tradution, and i re-edited the post for better understanding.)

Micron 2400 NVMe PCIe Gen4 2230 SSD 이미지


Micron 2400 NVMe PCIe Gen4 2230 SSD


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