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Brushes making ratcheting sound, not sucking up dirt

Recently my old roomba started making intermittent high pitched sound, along with a ratchety sound. It goes all over, and is not throwing an error, but the bin is empty afterward. Took it partially apart, blew all the accumulated dirt out, cleaned it up, but no improvement. Ideas?

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My advise is to check your seals and locate the source of the sound, my guess is if your seals get replaced that high pitched will go away, and as for the ratchety sound, make sure the dust bin is clear and take off the brush and clean everything behind it and potentially lubricate it just to be safe

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Actually the rachet sound is at the 2 brushes. I can manually turn them and they make that sound. I can't tell if they are sweeping when its going on its way, or immobile. But its not sucking anything up. I feel air out the back end, so there is flow,but no aspiration.

Have you unscrewed the brushes and looked at the back of them? Mine were nasty.

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