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A1418 / EMC 3069 / 2017 / 3.0 GHz quad-core i5, 3.4 GHz quad-core i5 또는 3.6 GHz quad-core i7 프로세서. 2017년 6월 8일 출시.

176 질문 전체 보기

Is screen power cable replaceable for this model?

Trying to upgrade ram and SSD on this iMac, however, when putting back the screen, the screen power cable is pretty lose, and no display showing up after power it on (can see images clearly on external monitor), I suspect the screen power cable might be damaged during screen disassembling, so, is this power cable replaceable? Any thoughts?


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Both cables can be replaced, often a loose cable connection points to a damaged logic board connector. Let’s first check that. Can you post a few clear pictures of the connector so we can see.

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@danj - Sure Dan, I will get some clear pictures when I’m home tonight. Thanks!

@Danj — Hi Dan, just uploaded some pictures there, any thoughts?


@lovecd - The cable and logic board appear OK.

Did you use the special pizza cutter tool when taking the display off?

@danj — yes, I did use that cutter tool for taking the display off, and the display was tested OK after ram and ssd were upgraded, the connection looks tight also (before applying the adhesive tape). However, after putting the tape there and connect the data and power cables for display, I just feel the power cable is very lose and can’t get it connected tightly (the data cable feels normal to me). I actually did the display disassembly on other iMacs I have many times in the past, and this is the first time having problems connecting the power cable.

Any thoughts?

@lovecd - The power cable has two spring catches that when you grasp the cable connector you apply force to allow them to slide out of the way as you pull. With the cable free is the latch part pressing outward hitting the wall with a little force or dangling a bit? Basically, the spring action is not there.

On the logic board side is the plastic body firm or a bit wobbly?

You maybe OK here aiming us to a different issue on why the screen is not working. Looking from the back side of the screen assembly there is a small gap between the cover glass and the LCD panel to the logic board behind. There you’ll find the ribbon cables bringing the power and data feeds to the panel carefully inspect them for damage.

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