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Apple의 Arm 기반 M1 SoC(8코어 CPU 및 최대 8코어 GPU 탑재)를 탑재한 최초의 13인치 MacBook Air에 대한 수리 안내서, 지원 및 문제 해결 정보입니다. 2020년 11월에 출시되었으며 모델 번호 A2337 또는 EMC 3598로 식별됩니다.

182 질문 전체 보기

Screen backlight works but no image

Randomly one day I went to turn on my laptop and heard the chime booting up but no image but can see the backlight working, using an external monitor seems to work on the monitor but not the MacBook can anyone shine some light? The laptop never been dropped or left the house. Sadly it is out of warranty and I cant feel like driving an hour for apple service

Update (10/16/23)

sorry in advance here's an image of the issue.

Block Image

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Your video fails to load so I I see is a static image which appears to be of a shelf with your phone and Nivea cream?

I think you have no choice here, time to visit a repair shop either independent or Apple.

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ive sent a comment of an image sorry.

@riponmiah - As you say an external display works I have to surmise the Internal display assemble has failed. As you are clearly getting a backlight I’m suspecting the T-CON part of the display has failed.

Review this guide MacBook Air 13" Late 2020 스크린 교체

You do want to get the part directly from Apple via their self repair option if your game. Otherwise it’s time to visit either an independent repair shop or Apple. Please note using something other than a display from Apple will loose TrueTone and if the display was virgin it won’t have the FaceTime camera firmware installed so the camera won’t work.

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