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Apple의 Arm 기반 M1 SoC(8코어 CPU 및 최대 8코어 GPU 탑재)를 탑재한 최초의 13인치 MacBook Air에 대한 수리 안내서, 지원 및 문제 해결 정보입니다. 2020년 11월에 출시되었으며 모델 번호 A2337 또는 EMC 3598로 식별됩니다.

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What are these copper things on the battery?


When I was cleaning my laptop from liquid damage, I accidentally removed this tape, uncovering these in the process, don't ask me why. Now I'm wondering what they are, heat sinks? There was also some kind of blue gel on them, anyone know what the blue gel could be? If they are heat sinks, do you think I can replace the blue gel with e.g. cooling paste? Thanks in advance!

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Really cannot tell from the pics but sometimes the Bluetooth and or wifi antennas are made of copper, places on the end of the batterys and covered with either semi silver or black tape. If it's one of the two things I mentioned, a closer pic of both the front and back of the batteries would be greatly helpful.

Hi Thomas,

I have added the pictures you requested. Cheers!

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It looks like you went a bit too far in taking things apart!

These are the battery contacts which are welded to the bus bars leading to the micro controller board and then onward to the system via the power feed.

I would carefully re-assemble the battery putting the insulator pads so things don’t short out if the battery is still good. Otherwise time to dispose of it properly at a battery recycle center with the insularity’s back on as you don’t want to cause an electrical fire.

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Are the insulator pads you are talking about the tape I removed? The things right under the contacts in the first picture. And is it possible to just glue that back, or what was the blue gel?

@h3j - Yes! The tape shouldn’t have been removed. You will need to use a spray adhesive if the tape has lost its grip.

The gel is used to prevent oxidation similar to how one uses grease with auto light bulbs. As I don’t go this far I can’t tell you what to use to replace it if you are thinking on reusing the battery. I would strongly recommend installing a new battery as it won’t take much wetness to cause a serious issue.

I will try to use some silica gel then. Thanks for everything!

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