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Samsung's third iteration of the Galaxy Watch with a newly integrated BioActive Sensor. It was released August 27th, 2021. Model SM-R860, 40 mm, non-LTE version.

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Brand new Galaxy Watch 4 doesn't turn on

Just arrived a brand new Galaxy Watch 4 Classic and when I tried to turn on I had the surprise that it just doesn't show any signal (vibration, sound, screen,...).

Then I tried to charge for a while it and no signal too, it got a little hot on the back after some time but just it.

What could I do to turn it on?

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I tried to put and pull on the charger multiple time and somehow it started showing life signs... Let's see the upcoming

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Hi @felipebraz35835

If it is brand new and after charging it, it should work.

If it's not indicating that it is charging or that it's not turning on, contact the seller about a refund or a replacement.

The watch has a 12 month manufacturer's warranty if the seller won't co-operate so contact Samsung customer support in your location about a warranty replacement.

Do not try to open it to find out what's wrong as you will void the warranty.

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