Restarting Every 3 Minutes - Panic CPU x Caller
Hi I recently swapped out my Iphone's screen as it was damaged, it was working normally for 5 days but now force reboots itself every 3 minutes after unlocking the phone. Looking online it seems to be a thermal sensor problem, can someone help me understand what crash code below, I've included the first half as it is extremely long and based on other forums you only need the first several lines. Can supply the rest if needed.
EDIT - Looking into it more I can see 0x80000 might be the issue which I believe is the proximity flex cable. Would replacing this cable fix the issue?
{"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2023-12-20 19:28:54.00 +1030","os_version":"iPhone OS 16.6.1 (20G81)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"47D3F67B-DAEA-4193-A903-F40ABA5971A4"}
"build" : "iPhone OS 16.6.1 (20G81)",
"product" : "iPhone15,2",
"socId" : "8120",
"socRevision" : "11",
"incident" : "47D3F67B-DAEA-4193-A903-F40ABA5971A4",
"crashReporterKey" : "0d96c1bef72655791b9f6bed53654b1d1cb8e079",
"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jun 28 20:51:46 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.142.1~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8120",
"date" : "2023-12-20 19:28:54.52 +1030",
"panicString" : "panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff027eb68ac): SMC PANIC - ASSERTION FAILED: target\/d73\/target.cpp:265: 0, SMC BSC failure, spreadsheet ver(*10) 130\nS.sensor array 0 - 4 is 0x0, 0x80000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 \nF.sensor array 0 is 0x0\n\n - Misc(2) OUTBOX1 not ready\nASSERTION FAILED: target\/d73\/target.cpp:265: 0, SMC BSC failure, spreadsheet ver(*10) 130\nS.sensor array 0 - 4 is 0x0, 0x80000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 \nF.sensor array 0 is 0x0\n\n\nRTKit: RTKit-2062.142.1.release - Client: AppleSMCFirmware-3424.\n!UUID: 0b2bc264-395b-35de-9f0f-92ee16c4aa55\nTime: 0x00000002b71f3070\n\nFaulting task 2 Call Stack: 0x000000000004c754 0x000000000004c130 0x000000000004bf40 0x000000000004e710 0x00000000000047a0 0x0000000000020044 0x0000000000022da4 0x000000000003a70c 000000000000000000\n\nChinook ASC Async error info: \nl2c_err_sts 0x5000fbfc00000000, l2c_err_adr 000000000000000000, l2c_err_inf 000000000000000000\nlsu_err_sts 000000000000000000, fed_err_sts 000000000000000000, mmu_err_sts 000000000000000000\ndpc_err_sts 000000000000000000\n\nMailbox (0): (0)\n Inbox AKF_KIC_INBOX_CTRL = 0x00020001, AKF_KIC_MAILBOX_SET = 0x11111101\n Outbox AKF_AP_OUTBOX_CTRL = 0x00020001, AKF_AP_MAILBOX_SET = 0x00000000\n\n dir endpoint timestamp msg\n ==== ============ ================== ==================\n
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