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Nintendo DSi는 닌텐도 DS 라인의 세 번째 시리즈이며, 2008년 말 일본에서 첫 선을 보였습니다.

266 질문 전체 보기

Dsi charging lite but not opening

As in the title, the DSi orange light turn's on, but it's not opening. The screen doesn't flicker, just nothing is happening. I saw it's maybe a battery problem, but I don't know since the battery I have is in pretty good shape I'd say since there isn't any traces of corrosion, and it's not expending. Help would be appreciated. (sorry if there are errors, English isn't my language.)

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It would be a good option to try another battery, batteries can age without showing physical signs, especially with the DSi being old.

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