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Repair and disassembly information for the first-generation Apple Watch SE, announced September 18th, 2020.

34 질문 전체 보기

I went for a glass replacement and a cable was snapped

Block Image

Block Image

what is the connector/antenna for, do I need to replace it.

Then I am also having issues closing it back the screen keeps on popping off, battery is not swollen or anything still has 100% BH and the Watch works fine

Block Image

Block Image

I don’t know if this is the Force Touch sensor (The orange like gasket in the above image), I am planning on adding this black rubber glue used for screen replacement T7000 or B8000

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Hey there!
As for 2nd screen, the part you marked on red is just part of isolation sticker, it doesnt really affect the performence if its ripped of, as long as the flex cable stays intact.

About the 2nd problem: Apple watch SE is not equipped with touch sensor, the orange thing you reffer to is just a seal that lifts display a little bit and strengthens waterproof abilitys. Most likely you cannot close it as there are remains of adhisive left on the seal/display, try to gently cleaning it off end then check if its fits perfectly. To permanently seal it try glue b-7000.

Oh and lastly, if the seal is ripped/damaged, you can consider getting rid of it complitly or replacing it, glue should seal watch properly if applyed correctly.

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