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Released in January of 2021. Identified by model numbers SM-G996B, SM-G996B/DS, SM-G996U, SM-G996U1, SM-G996W, SM-G996N and SM-G9960.

25 질문 전체 보기

Volume buttons stuck Need to remove them.


I have an S21+ I want to remove the volume buttons & replace with new ones as the old ones do not function & phone is locked into safe mode. Will I need to remove the screen in order to replace just the volume buttons not the flex cable?


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Try opening up phone and clearing out all the gunk

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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No access to the buttons. I think I need to remove screen to get access from the top. I just ordered a mid housing. All scrashed so might aswell replace that aswell.

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