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Nintendo's latest and hybrid console, first released in 2017 with the Lite and OLED models following in 2019 and 2021 respectively. The Switch doubles as a home and handheld console.

1191 질문 전체 보기

Is this an issue with the LCD screen on the Nintendo Switch V2?

I noticed that there were vertical lines to the left of the screen. One line was reactive to the display, meaning it had variations in colors throughout gameplay. I never dropped my Nintendo Switch V2 and had barely touched it since 2020. I planned to look further into this when the entire screen displayed vertical lines throughout, along with a circle of discoloration.

Block Image

After charging to 100%, the vertical lines to the left have resolved. However, the discoloration remains. What is interesting is that the coloration does not appear until after I power on the device from sleep. If I were to increase the brightness, the discoloration intensifies and remains significantly bright despite reducing the brightness afterwards.

What could be the cause of this?

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This looks like water damage to me. I know this reply is late, but you should be able to replace the screen on your switch to fix it.

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