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Apple은 MacBook Air 13"를 2017년 6월에 새로운 Broadwell Intel Core i5 프로세서로 업데이트하여 성능과 배터리 수명을 약간 향상시켰습니다.

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No backlight but has display. Might've found possible reason

Greetings, this is my first time posting on iFixit and the first time I was able to get a hands on an Apple product such as a Macbook Air A1466. This was given to us by a friend and stated that it was left near the restroom so it might've gotten some water damage.

After receiving the Macbook, I immediately tried to see if there's a display even without the backlight but sure enough there was. I disassembled it and found a corrosion of those small SMD resistors around a small chip.

I tried to clean the corrosion but due to the severity of it, I accidentally tipped two of the small SMDs. I wanted to ask if what part are those and are there specific types for them.

I hope all of the files I uploaded be of help. Thank you very much.

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@gabzloadea30346 watch the orientation of the two missing resistors. They go vertical not horizontal.

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Reference designator R7715 is a 100K 1% 1/20W resistor in a 0201 package

Reference designator R7731 is a 200K 1% 1/20W resistor is a 0201 package.

Nothing special about those and most electronic supply houses should have them I am partially to Mouser.com or Digikey.com but you can get them from wherever you can get them from, :-)

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