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Repair guides and information for portable, battery powered Bluetooth speakers

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replace USB C port & charger port on my Anker soundcore motion boom pl

I haven't been able to listen to my speaker anymore because my charger port got pushed in and then the alternate charge port, the. USB c got super loose and no. Longer takes a charge either how how I replace them?

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Hi @katheriner25229

Here's a teardown video of the speaker that may help.

It shows how to disassemble the speaker so that you can check what needs to be done to fix the charge port and the USB-C connector e.g. they may simply be loose and need to be resoldered back on again, they're faulty and need to be replaced or if there's associated damage that needs repairing as well etc.

If there's damage or you're not quite sure, post some images showing what's happened to them, back here in your question. Here's how to do this on ifixit 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

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