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The Xbox 360 is the second game console made by Microsoft, and was released November 22, 2005.

431 질문 전체 보기

How do I fix my 360 it says unrecognized disc

everytime i put in a game it says open tray or unrecognized discive cleaned it very well cleaned the lense jus wont work sounds like it wants to but wont

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ive dione that with a brand new ganme an it keeps spinning

will not read it

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선택된 해법

unfortunately there is no simple solution :(

1. Open your Xbox and CD drive. Clean all optical elements on it.

2. If it did not help find 2 small potentiometers and try to increase voltage on the laser.

3. Replace your cd drive - but you need to reflash a new one with the old cd key.

If you don't understand how it works it will be much better to go to any repair shop - I don't know how much it costs in the US but in London its about 20 quid (just the labour)


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+1 Piotr, good answer. kanoa, start off with the easy and inexpensive stuff, clean your laser. You can use a cleaning DVD for that, they are available at most department stores.


I did this like 2 months ago and my Xbox 360 works like brand new

But it is not working again now, why?

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there IS a simple solution. You'll have to open the DVD drive, and replace the laser with an identical one. you can replace the entire "sled" assembly. but the DVD logic board MUST stay with the xbox's motherboard. (unless you have away to flash the board)

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We can clean the disc when its recognized disc. All we do is toothpaste and will leave in five mins.Then wash it to see it works.

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After u put the toothpaste in the game how do u grt it off. Wipe it run water over it or what.

I think that toothpaste can destroy the disk

yes it can do not try that

Hand sanitizer I use then runic under water and wipe with toilet roll as its softer than kitchen roll

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