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Samsung announced the Galaxy Flip 4 range at their "Unpacked" event on August 10, 2022. The new series of smartwatches Galaxy Watch 5 and Watch 5 Pro and the new series of Galay Buds 2 Pro were also announced.

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"Battery temp too low, charging disabled" Warning

I get an indicator that charging has ceased because the battery temperature is too low. Wont charge at all.

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let it warm up in room temperature or go to your nearest Samsung service for help (yes you can call the service)

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@sparkleman the purpose for iFixit is to empower everyone to fix their own devices. The last thing we do on here is, send people to the OEM. OEM's will fix your device (seldom) but will take your hard-earned money for things that you possibly could fix yourself. Send them to the OEM in case of warranties or recalls, but never for repair.

They do not want you to fix things. They want you to buy new and continue to waste resources, pollute the planet and take your money so they can post record profits for their shareholders.

Repair is War on Entropy!

It is room temperature. From what limited data is online is that it might related to the wireless charging coil.

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