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MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display, 모델 A1502의 2015년 3월 업데이트는 5세대 Intel Core i5 및 i7 프로세서를 포함하며 Force Touch 트랙 패드를 소개합니다.

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MacBook in limb mode after touchpad replacement / fan running fast

Hey all,

So the following happened on my Macbook Pro 13" eaely 2015:

While baking, some milk went over my touchpad. I immediately turned the Mac Off and dried it from outside.

I turned it back on and everything was normal, except that my touchpad was making strange noise. Still, the touchpad was working totally fine. (also the feedback force)

Because of that noise, I thought it would be smart to replace the touchpad in order to avoid any damage later. However, with the new touchpad (+new flex cable), my macbook is in "limp mode", this means the fan is running super fast and the mac is suuuuper slow. Not possible to work with it. But the touchpad is working.

I already did SMC & NVRAM Reset several times. Diagnostic tools tells me the following error code:


yeah, sensor error somewhere..

(can't start a tool because its just too slow)

In Summary: after the liquid dammage, everything was working fine, except for the strange noise of the trackpad.

Now, after replacing the trackpad, the mac is super laggy(even without trackpad). Even when I put back the "old" trackpad, the mac is slow. (but both trackpads are working.)

I double and triple checked all connections...

Honestly, I dont know what the problem could be. If it would be the trackpad, why is it still working? Apparently my mac thinks there is a problem somewhere, but where?

Please help :(

many thanks !!

Update (05/21/24)

OK GUYS, my Macbook is back among the livings!!

I'll tell you the reason, but for that, we need to dig a bit in the past of my macbook....

2021 my display got broken so I bought a 2nd hand macbook pro 2015 from ebay which has been sold as "defect". I took the screen of that defect macbook to replace mine. Bad surprise, macbook was suddenly super slow and the fan roaring really loud. (same symptoms as now!)

Screen was working fine, the camera too. Then I disconnected the built-in iSight camera and voila- macbook runs super smooth without any problems. (of course, without camera connected)

Funny enough, one day while my Macbook was in sleep mode I connected the iSight Camera cable again on the mother board, and after a restart, there was no problem at all. Mac super fast, camera working too. Cool !!

Few months later, camera stopped working. Ok, I did not changed anything.

And so today when my macbook started being laggy with roaring fans after the touchpad replacement, I thought, hmmm, what if I disconnect the iSight Camera?? YES YES. Thats it. Camera disconnected, and my macbook is running again like a champion hehe !! (and no more PFM006 error in the diagnostic tool)

I would really like to understand the SMC controller...

Here is the topic about the display replacement:

Roaring fan + super slow after Display/Lid replacement

Well, thanks for helping. Hope this can help somebody else some day..


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Hey there. So, I have a MacBook 12" Retina 2016 that has given me the same problem after messing with the trackpad. Download this application first: https://smcfancontrol.softonic.com/mac This app will allow you to control the SMC and view the thermal sensors.

There is one sensor that is near the trackpad called the Palm Rest Sensor. It is responsible for monitoring heat coming from the trackpad and keyboard. More than likely this is the guy that got damaged, and is now telling your Mac that is needs the fan running at high RPMs to cool down the machine. Check into this.

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Thanks Jadon ! You helped me getting on the right track with the sensors. See my updated post above ! :) Cheers !!

@screwloose12262 - Awesome! Glad it worked out.

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