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{A1706 / EMC3214}—2018년 7월 출시, 이 MacBook Pro 13”는 쿼드-코어 i5 및 i7 프로세서 그리고 Intel Iris Plus 통합 그래픽 포함.

207 질문 전체 보기

No response when tapping on the keyboard

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I was replacing the battery, during the process, when remove the glue at the back of the battery, I break the trackpad, so the trackpad doesn't work as well as the keyboard. The keyboard lost all its power and backlight. A few days later, when using the mac, the keyboard suddenly back to norm. However, when the new trackpadand the wire connecting trackpad(in case it's also brocken) arrived, I replace the brocken one and found that the keyboard don't give any response anymore. Even the back light and the Caplock light works if I change them from touchbar or the on virtual keyboard. I wonder if the trackpad itself is somewhere brocken during the delivery or there are some brocken points nearby?

Update (05/25/24)


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So the menu bars virtual keyboard keys you can see the keys register changing color? And the Caps lock key physically LED is lighting up?


@zhihangong - Lets quickly review how a keyboard works as maybe that will help you see the issue.

In your home you have light switches which turn on and off a given light or sets of lights. A keyboard key switch is not much different within the physical world, just a switch which signals a specialized analog to digital converter (decoder) changing that physical signal used by the keyboard into a digital signal the rest of the system uses.

The test of using the virtual keyboard tells us the physical work is working and working correctly (at least when we tested it) so the keyboard and the wiring (cable) to the logic board is working correctly! As you see the alteration of the screens display of the key when its pressed. So looking for a physical failure won't fix your problem!

This is where the signal from the keyboard decode within the system's OS is getting messed up!

Think of it this way... I have a fancy color changing light build in my hall light the wiring between the switch and socket is standard wiring for a standard lightbulb! So how can I alter the color? Thats don't using a wireless signal to the lightbulb from my phone or tablet application so I can program it as I want it to react.

So now lets jump back to your keyboard issue, so as I started things off we know the simple physical switch to light the light bulb circuit is working! As we can see it within the Virtual keyboard within the OS.

But the way the signal is interpreted is the issue at hand! Just like how the fancy color changing lightbulb needs to be told what to do the OS here has a symbol file (Keyboard Input file) to tell the OS and the Apps how to display this given key (collection of keys) on the screen.

As an example I have a few in my system I select the one I need for the task as I have friends in other countries which prefer non Roman characters (English).

So as an example:


Which is the last paragraph in traditional Chinese Vs Pinyin which is easier to learn and also harder to interpret into English, which I'm sure you know.

At this point I think you need to find someone local to you to help you as the OS and or its files are messed up. I hope your bending of the ribbon cable didn't damage it. I would retest things as I explained above to be sure.

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Yeah they are, just the input from the keyboard doesn’t work.

@zhihangong - If that’s the case the keyboard IS WORKING! The issue is the decode of the symbol it needs to show within the document.

So go into the Keyboard Prefs and make sure you’ve selected the correct keyboard input file.

It still doesn't work. What I meant by input doesn't work is like even the mac is fully shuts down and try to use the keyboard to start on safe mode but still doesn't work. I guess there's just no any electrical signal send from the keyboard.

@zhihangong - OK so we are dealing with a system which is able to boot up be used then dies! Nothing to do with the keyboard its self then.

So lets see if we can get some better details here. Install this gem of an App! CoconetBattery it may take some doing given the state of things, but we need a way to see into the power systems. Post a snapshot of the main screen here so we can see as well.

Please check it out, it's in front of the question. I don't know if I need to get a plus version to show more information?

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