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This is a touch-screen controller associated with the Wii U video game console. It was released on November 18th, 2012, and available in black or white. Model number: WUP-010(USA)

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Where can I get replacement screws for the battery plate?

After relying on a bad screwdriver I pretty much destroyed the original screws when I swapped the battery pack. Now I can't close it without taping it shut. So I want new screws but can't find the right ones.

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I managed to find a few on ebay :)


hope this helps ^^

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They are Y-screws for the inner parts. I could try them tho as they are not that expensive. I will update if they work for the Backplate. Also they won't ship to Germany. But I found other sellers of those screws that will.


Sadly they are too big for the battery plate. (Too long and one or two sizes too big.)

But thanks for the suggestion.

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