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Apple의 M2 SoC가 탑재된 15인치 MacBook Air의 첫해에 대한 수리 안내서, 지원 및 문제 해결 정보입니다. 2023년 6월 13일에 출시되었으며 모델 번호 A2941로 식별됩니다.

7 질문 전체 보기

Keyboard and trackpad spare parts + replacement instructions


A few weeks ago, I spilled coffee on my 15-inch MacBook Air M2 that I bought a few months ago. I immediately took it to Apple, and after opening it, they confirmed there was coffee inside (thank you, AppleGenius ;) ).

They explained that in such cases, they offer a repair package for €1200 regardless of the damage (the laptop costs 1600€!!!) They didn’t even properly clean the coffee and didn't reassemble the bottom panel correctly (I thought my battery had swollen, but it was just an incorrect reassembly).

Since then, I bought the necessary screwdrivers (I already had probably 50 different screwdrivers, but of course, they used a new one :-)), opened the MacBook, and cleaned everything.

The laptop has been working perfectly for the last 2 months except for the keyboard and trackpad, so I'm obliged to use a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse which is not very handy for a laptop :-)

Besides that, it's working like a charm.

The problem is, I can’t find the needed parts to replace the defective ones myself (I work in IT and have repaired several phones and Macs using iFixit :-)).

Does anyone has any idea where I can find these parts? And some indications about how to replace them (especially the keyboard)

Isn’t it a legal obligation for Apple to provide the corresponding parts?

Here is the exact model #: MQKW3FN/A

Thank you so much in advance, any help is appreciated.


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I do believe Apple should provide the parts, but you don't need them!

With your dedication of tearing apart the laptop to clean the keyboard, you can easily fix it. I have actually had this problem myself. Apple keyboards are really bad with water and coffee. Even if you meticulously clean out the keyboard with methylated spirits and hours of work, it still won't fully work. From experience, well a mate of mine's experience.

Luckily your model is NOT an unibody, and therefore the keyboard can be replaced. For the replacement keyboard literally google A2914 keyboard replacement. You can even buy them off aliexpress for 8 bucks if you really want to save money!

Remember to buy screws with the keyboard. It is held down by tiny rivets. When you remove the old keyboard, they all go shooting EVERYWHERE. You then need a hundred or so screws to refasten the keyboard.

Here is a video of the teardown so you can follow along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEpiyHgY...

Good luck buddy!

Let me know how it goes.

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Thank you so much Falcon, I really appreciate your feedback.

I just have 2 more questions

As I'm french speaking, I'm looking for the azerty keyboard. Where can I find the corresponding reference?
As stated, my Trackpad is dead as well but at the end it's more or less the same question :-)

You just saved me 1.000 € buddy ! :-)

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