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Apple은 MacBook Air 13"를 2017년 6월에 새로운 Broadwell Intel Core i5 프로세서로 업데이트하여 성능과 배터리 수명을 약간 향상시켰습니다.

428 질문 전체 보기

Is it possible to boot Windows from the SDXC Card slot?

I have some MacBook Airs 2014-2017 and they all have the SDXC card slot, these have 121 GB SSDs and so limit the disc space for dual system boots.

I know these SSDs can be upgraded with adapters BUT I have some of these Transcend JetDrives https://www.transcend-info.com/Products/... at hand and am wondering if it is indeed possible to boot into Windows from them even though it will very VERY slow compared to regular method.

I have a full license for Win2USB https://www.easyuefi.com/wintousb/ but no windows system available for now to try a test run. I have searched some topics about this but they are quite old and things change and more things become possible, curious to know if anyone out there has tried this or if indeed it is possible. Cheers in advance for any input.

IF not then I guess the best use for them is to format them to ExFAT so both windows and mac systems can read and write to them, leaving the internal storage only for the operating systems.

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Yes its possible, This link might be helpful Boot windows on SDXC Card

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Is this to create a bootable installer or to actually have a Windows 11 OS installed on the card?

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