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2243 질문 전체 보기

Why can't my computer turn on

Maybe someone wants to help me, my computer usually turns on normally, but suddenly it's hard to turn it on, the on/off button doesn't seem to work, but once it does, it only turns on for about 0.5 seconds and then turns off again, and that's the cycle

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Hi @bagusaditiya

What is the make and model number of the PC or motherboard if it is a custom build?

Hi @jayeff thanks for asking, motherboard MSI B450-A Pro max (AMD)

Hi @bagusaditiya

If you have a DMM (digital multimeter) check if the PSU a). turns on and b). that all the voltage supply values are correct.

Use the paperclip test to check if the PSU turns on (and stays on) and also that all the voltages are OK.

@jayeff I've tried it, and it works, so what do you think could be the problem?

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Hi @bagusaditiya

If the PSU is OK then you need to eliminate some more potential causes.

Try the following:

Disconnect the power to the PSU (presumably it is all connected back to the motherboard etc) and then remove the coin cell battery from the motherboard. Remember which way it was installed - usually +ve on top marked on battery.

Press and hold the ON button for 30 seconds and then release it.

Reinsert the coin cell battery the correct way, reconnect the power to the PSU and check if the PC turns on OK.

If still no good, to prove that the ON button is not the problem, disconnect the cable from the JFP1 connector on the motherboard and then momentarily short out pins 8 & 9 on the connector on the motherboard and check if the PC turns on. - see p.31 of the manual to find the location of the JFP1connector and how the pins count in the connector.

A momentary short is simulating how long you would normally press the ON button to turn on the PC so don't leave it too long as you may force shut it down i.e. do it for <4seconds

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