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Apple은 MacBook Air 13"를 2017년 6월에 새로운 Broadwell Intel Core i5 프로세서로 업데이트하여 성능과 배터리 수명을 약간 향상시켰습니다.

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How to connect the flex cable on a MacBook Air 2017

How does this cable connect back to the circuit board?

(Job was replacing the LCD, so far so good but stuck on this vital part!)

I can get it in the connector but there is no locking mechanism to keep it in place and it falls out very easily..... I see some YT Videos but they are not clear enough to show the process, they seemed to be able to do it at the 1st attempt (Been ALL day here trying). Sorry the picture isn't very clear, it is a bit difficult to hold everything to take a picture). Calling upon the experts @oldturkey03 & @danj on how to do as there is no guide on this seriously tedious task.

Block Image

Block Image

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@livfe if you can, get a closeup of the connector and post as well.

@oldturkey03 The picture I posted is about the best I can get..... it is from the original connector but it is the same as the replacement, no latch to open.... fixed.

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@oldturkey03 GOT IT, It popped in! HOURS of trying finally achieved it! YAY

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The connector is a ZIF type which needs either a latch lifted up or the compression is spring loaded. Carefully lift the feed edge of the plastic block see if it goes up a bit. Don’t force things!

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It doesn't seem to have a latch just the cable slides into it, but that to me don't seem right... nothing to hold it securely and nothing broken off....

@livfe - did you try lifting the black plastic block?

@danj I have tried just about everything, hopefully someone who has done this a few times can remember the method on how to get the ZIFF to stay in...... I will search YT more to see what I can find... we really need some picture guides on this...

@livfe - once you figure it out make a guide! We all need to do our part. Many of the guides and tech notes are created by those who support the mission.

@danj Yeah I know, but I am to far into the job to make any guide now .... I did my 1st guide the other day Replace "Wings" Without Breaking Open a Magsafe Charger Technique

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