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Epson Wrokforce wf-7710 all in one printer. A3+ scanner printer.

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Genuine ink cartridge still not working

Just got a brand new genuine Epsom ink cartridge and the printer still won’t accept it

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To troubleshoot an Epson Workforce WF-7710 printer not recognizing a new genuine Epson ink cartridge, follow these steps:

1. Check cartridge compatibility by double-checking the cartridge number and comparing it with the printer's user manual or website.
2. Reinstall the cartridge securely, ensuring it fits the printer's slot.
3. Clean the cartridge contacts with a soft cloth to prevent debris from affecting communication.
4. Restart the printer, check for firmware updates, and perform a printer reset if the issue persists. If none of these steps resolve the problem, contact Epson customer support for further assistance. This should resolve the issue with the Epson Workforce WF-7710 printer not recognizing a new genuine Epson ink cartridge.

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Thank you! Do you know where I can find more info about the printer head. I’m getting error 31 now

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Christopher DeAngelis 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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