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Apple의 Arm 기반 M1 SoC(8코어 CPU 및 최대 8코어 GPU 탑재)를 탑재한 최초의 13인치 MacBook Air에 대한 수리 안내서, 지원 및 문제 해결 정보입니다. 2020년 11월에 출시되었으며 모델 번호 A2337 또는 EMC 3598로 식별됩니다.

186 질문 전체 보기

MacBook air m1 screen not displaying, but external output works

How can I resolve an issue with my MacBook Air M1 where the screen is not displaying, despite the external output functioning correctly? I have already attempted a screen replacement which was unsuccessful. Currently, I am compelled to use my MacBook in a desktop mode, which is quite inconvenient. Can you provide a solution?

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You should take it to a professional service centre, The signal flex might be bad or a backlight fuse from the motherboard

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