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The Dell Dimension 2400 is a desktop computer released in 2003 with a traditional box "tower" form factor and a black exterior. It is the last machine from the Dimension 2xxx series and is equipped with a Celeron or Pentium 4 processor.

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How to upgrade windows 7 to windows 10

How to upgrade windows 7 to windows 10

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I don't know if you can still upgrade for free. But you can try.

NOTE: A clean install will wipe out your C: drive. You might want to try an upgrade install first.

DO YOU HAVE A BACKUP OF YOUR FILES? Installed programs cannot be backed up, you must reinstall if you do a clean install.

Download the Windows 10 ISO and create a USB drive.

go here > https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software...

Boot from the USB and follow directions to install the equivalent version as your W7.

When connected to the internet, if you can activate it, then you are good to go.

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