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3세대 iPhone SE는 3월 9일 (미국 시간 3월 8일) 신제품 출시 행사 Peek Performance Apple에서 소개되었습니다. A15 칩과 4.7인치 LCD 디스플레이가 특징입니다.

33 질문 전체 보기

Why is battery health so low

I have had my iPhone SE 3 for like 6 months and the battery health is at 90%. Should I ask for a new phone or is this like normal? Should I just buy a new battery? It barley lasts me through school.

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Do you keep your phone plugged up all the time.

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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No I don’t have it plugged in all the time

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