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Repair and disassembly information for the first generation of Apple's high-end wireless earbuds. Released in October 2019. Identified by model numbers A2084 (left earbud), A2083 (right earbud), and A2190 (charging case).

69 질문 전체 보기

I have dropped my airpods in water and now one is not working

I have dropped my airpods in water and now one is working but the second one is not working

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Since these are built to be disposable e-waste rather than be repaired (repairability score of Zero of Ten possible) disassembly cleaning and drying which MIGHT work isn't really feasible. If however you want to try a VERY long shot, look at the (failed) teardown by following the link in the Airpods Pro - top of page - and see if there might be a way to get contact cleaner or alcohol inside swish it about and pray to your favorite Diety let dry half of forever and see if your Diety performed a miracle for you... which is what it will be if it works. a sealed container with silica gel will cut drying time to less than half of forever but will still be miraculous if it works.

Good Luck.

Consider active support of right to repair so maybe this environmentally and financially unfriendly practice maybe gets changed!

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Hey hi Shay, I can not say anything but just one. That say bye to your AirPods, Apple has played a cruel game with you. There is no way you can repair this thing without breaking and snapping it into two (which makes it unusable). So next time, I recommend you to not buy any apple product (they don't care of the environment). After all, it can't be helped. I am sorry for that. Anyways before throwing them, have some fun with them!!!

Here is a failed teardown of the Apple AirPods Pro, so you can know and see how this thing works =)

AirPods Pro Teardown - iFixit

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