it only restarts every 3 minutes.

This convo is fantastic! My phone started restarting after I was recording an audio session, it went off and came back to normal, I charged it and used normal but at some point later that day after charging it, it only restarts every 3 minutes. One day after the SIM was not being detected, but today is being detected again and I get signal but it still restarts every 3 minutes. My batery says its in 76-80 % of life/health

I am attaching the panicfull first page, Do you know if this a hardware situation or do you recommend reseting the phone? I have a recent backup so I'm not worried about my data but I definitely can't do hardware work on it, I'd have to take it somewhere.

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Just to verify, this is an iPhone SE (2020), or 2nd generation, right?

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