Accidently seperated the glass from the screen.
I have an Iphone 13 Pro, that I wanted to do a battery replacement with. During the removal of the screen, I think instead of having my pick going into frame and into the space where the screen was, it went into the gap where the screen and the glass made contact. I gave up after 30 minutes, and upon booting I found white lines and weird artifacts on the screen and I just felt defeated. I ordered a replacement screen, but while trying to install it, the suction cup basically doesn't suction the entire screen anymore but only that piece of glass. It's essentially impossible for me to reach in, and remove it. I gave up again and I'm on this forum. Before making this post, I also tried to charge it and plug it back in to see if it still booted, which it does not anymore. Is there anyway I could have made things worse? My only actions were to use the suction cup and a razor to make a gap large enough for my pick to go in. It booted this morning and it just doesn't do that anymore. I know for sure it's likely not just the screen because the silent switch isn't making that feedback haptic, so it's likely not turning on at all. I want to be able to get into the phone before anything, and I'm also just wondering how I can possibly remove the screen at this point.
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