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모델 번호 A1238 / 80, 120, 또는160GB 하드 드라이브 / 검정색 또는 은색 금속 외형

906 질문 전체 보기

Will 80GB fit in 30GB 5thGen case?

Will the inner workings of the 80GB classic fit in the casing of the 30GB 5thGen?

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that depends on what you want to take from the classic into the 5th Gen. If its only the hard drive, that will fit as it is the same size.

The whole rest is a different story. To make a long story short, most of the parts look like they are the same but they're not the same. If you want to build a 6/5th Gen. mix, take a 6th Gen iPod use the front and click wheel with center button from the 5th Gen. Parts like battery, bumpers,back , headphone jack are the same and can be used in both.

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All of that is true as well

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Yes! Upgrades are always good :) And the 80gb drive is the same size as the 30gb. (Note that the 60gb drive is fatter and will *not* fit).

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