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댓글 2개:
@resafuller it is possible that you have a stuck float switch. Remove the tank and take a look at the float. That is the part that sits in the tank and as the water tank fills, it moves up, eventually it will trip a switch that turns the dehumidifier off. If it is stuck, or if the switch has failed, your dehumidifier will not turn on,. Post some good pictures of that your float etc looks like so we can see what you see. Then we can hopefully work on a proper fix for this. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기
@resafuller thank you. Whoa, that is a bit odd looking :-) I expect ,more of a float. Can you take a picture of the schematic that is glued to the bottom.? Let's see if that give us more of an idea
@resafuller it is possible that you have a stuck float switch. Remove the tank and take a look at the float. That is the part that sits in the tank and as the water tank fills, it moves up, eventually it will trip a switch that turns the dehumidifier off. If it is stuck, or if the switch has failed, your dehumidifier will not turn on,. Post some good pictures of that your float etc looks like so we can see what you see. Then we can hopefully work on a proper fix for this. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기
oldturkey03 의
@resafuller thank you. Whoa, that is a bit odd looking :-) I expect ,more of a float. Can you take a picture of the schematic that is glued to the bottom.? Let's see if that give us more of an idea
oldturkey03 의