Help identify the pinout of the PSU (A1419, EMC 2546)?

Hi all, I am trying to do a monitor conversion and hoping to reuse the PSU. The model number is ADP-300AF T. It has 3 connectors, other than the AC input.

  • One big 12 pin molex connector connected to the logic board.
  • One small 2 pin connector connected to the power button.
  • One small 7 pin connector, connected to the logic board via a flat cable.

The big 12 pin molex connector is apparently the 12V rail. It's also confirmed by the schematic.

The 2 pin connector for power button is probably a passthrough to the logic button. The PSU usually needs a PS_ON pin to be pulled to the ground to keep on, if it's like an ATX PSU.

The 7 pin connector probably has that PS_ON pin, along with some other pins. I'm trying to figure out their functions. According to the schematic, they are:

  1. PWR_BTN_R
  2. GND
  6. GND

So, it confirms my suspicion about the power button. Pin 1 must be the power button pass-through. I looked up burst mode, which I probably don't need to worry about. But I'm unclear about the rest 3:

  • TSNS_ACDC (Positive and Negative)

Can someone shed some light on them?

P.S. does anyone know what kind of connector it is? I hate cutting the original cable. Worst case, I can solder wires to the PCB but it's kinda hard to do with the connector in place.


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